viernes, mayo 30, 2014

Lil'Bot. El robot balancín compatible Arduino -

Lil'Bot. El robot balancín compatible Arduino

Por ejemplo, este nuevo proyecto de kickstarter llamado Lil'Bot está a punto de conseguir los 15.000$ solicitados para fabricar un robot on autobalanceo de bajo coste y compatible con el Arduino Uno. Para la alimnetación de toda su circuitería que ...

Arduissimo: FPGA-Based Multicore Arduino Indiegogo ... - EE Times

Arduissimo: FPGA-Based Multicore Arduino Indiegogo ...

EE Times

In this case, you program the board using an enhanced Arduino IDE -- called the Arduissimo IDE -- or (once again) alternatives like the Atmel Studio. Tobias isn't simply replicating a single core multiple times. The whole point of SHP is to have a ...

Efecto N, de Elizabeth Arduino. La armonía en nuestro día a día - EL LIBREPENSADOR

Efecto N, de Elizabeth Arduino. La armonía en nuestro día a día


28 de mayo de 2014.- Efecto N es el título del nuevo libro que acaba de publicar la editorial Arcopress, obra de la argentina Elizabeth Arduino, en el que explica cómo conseguir el estado de perfecta armonía en nuestras vidas. Para la autora, el Efecto ...

LittleBits adds Arduino module, instant backorders result - Gizmag

LittleBits adds Arduino module, instant backorders result


Last year, my daughter and I had the opportunity to try out Littlebits – magnetic circuits that make it easy for kids to create a variety of simple projects – for a few weeks. She's been talking about it ever since. Now the company is offering a new ...

jueves, mayo 29, 2014

How to Turn a Raspberry Pi Into a Private Streaming Music Service - Lifehacker

How to Turn a Raspberry Pi Into a Private Streaming Music Service


If you're sick of dealing with carrying around a massive library of music on your smartphone and you don't want to pay for a service like Google Music, the Raspberry Pi can work as a music server. With a little work, you can make all your MP3s ...

“La Moliná” de Almussafes, campeón de España de Pesca - el periodic

“La Moliná” de Almussafes, campeón de España de Pesca

el periodic

Esta web utiliza 'cookies' propias y de terceros para ofrecerte una mejor experiencia y servicio. Al navegar o utilizar nuestros servicios, aceptas el uso que hacemos de las 'cookies'. Sin embargo, puedes cambiar la configuración de 'cookies' en ...

Turn a Raspberry Pi Into a Wireless Router - Lifehacker

Turn a Raspberry Pi Into a Wireless Router


If you don't feel like going out and buying a new router and want something that just fits in your pocket, blogger Jacob Salmela shows off how to turn a Raspberry Pi into a full-blown router in just a few steps. The process here is actually pretty ...

miércoles, mayo 28, 2014

Arduino: el hardware libre - Periódico La República (Costa Rica)

Arduino: el hardware libre

Periódico La República (Costa Rica)

Bueno, un Arduino es similar a ellos, solo que es hardware, es decir, no es un programa informático, sino una placa de circuitos integrados, que junto a otras piezas puede convertirse en prácticamente cualquier dispositivo. Sus orígenes se remontan a ...

Simulacro de incendio en el CEIP Pontet de Almussafes - el periodic

Simulacro de incendio en el CEIP Pontet de Almussafes

el periodic

Los 182 escolares de infantil y primaria del colegio público Pontet de Almussafes han vivido esta misma mañana una auténtica aventura al enfrentarse a una simulación casi perfecta de un incendio. Aunque durante el primer trimestre del curso educativo ...

martes, mayo 27, 2014

PiCore 5.3 una distribución Linux para la Raspberry P - Linux Adictos

Linux Adictos

PiCore 5.3 una distribución Linux para la Raspberry P

Linux Adictos

PiCore 5.3 es una distro Linux pensada para ejecutar en la placa miniPC Raspberry Pi, con un pequeño tamaño y gran ligereza. PiCore 5.3 apenas ocupa 25MB de espacio y se puede ejecutar en la Raspberry Pi sin que su procesador ARM se sobrecargue.

All-But-Instant Raw Raspberry Jam - FOX 4 News

All-But-Instant Raw Raspberry Jam

FOX 4 News

This all-but-instant raw jam is a welcome alternative to traditional varieties. Chia-thickened, it tastes pretty close to conventional jams without the cooking time. Use this basic recipe with any fruit, from berries to apricots to figs. The key to the ...

lunes, mayo 26, 2014

Cuatro gimnastas de Almussafes competirán en el Campeonato de ... - (Comunicado de prensa)

Cuatro gimnastas de Almussafes competirán en el Campeonato de ... (Comunicado de prensa)

Cuatro gimnastas del CEGA Almussafes acaban de clasificarse para su participación en la fase final del Campeonato de España Absoluto Individual, Clubes y Autonomía que se celebrará en la ciudad de Granada a finales del próximo mes de junio.

sábado, mayo 24, 2014

Escolares del CEIP Almassaf de Almussafes entrevistan al ... - el periodic

Escolares del CEIP Almassaf de Almussafes entrevistan al ...

el periodic

Durante la mañana de hoy viernes día 23, los 68 alumnos de tercero de primaria del colegio público Almassaf de Almussafes han visitado la Casa Consistorial y, más concretamente el salón de plenos, para entrevistar al presidente de la Corporación ...

viernes, mayo 23, 2014

Hover Adds Gesture Control to Arduino and Raspberry Pi Projects - Lifehacker

Hover Adds Gesture Control to Arduino and Raspberry Pi Projects


You'll get a small sensor that you can connect to an Arduino or Raspberry Pi. Then you can then start adding in gesture controls to your projects using Hover's library. Hover's not all that fancy, nor does it seem like it'll take a beating, but as a ...

El club Esportiu Agility Almussafes se asegura dos nuevos podios -

El club Esportiu Agility Almussafes se asegura dos nuevos podios

c. s. alzira Temporada excelsa para los adiestradores de perros de Almussafes. Las instalaciones del Club Tucan de Teruel se convirtieron en la sede, durante la jornada dominical, de la décima prueba puntuable para el campeonato de Agility/Jumping ...

martes, mayo 20, 2014

Almussafes pide al Consell la cesión de 4 viviendas para ... -

Almussafes pide al Consell la cesión de 4 viviendas para ...

salva vives almussafes El Ayuntamiento de Almussafes ha solicitado a la Conselleria de Infraestructuras, Territorio y Medio Ambiente la cesión de cuatro viviendas pertenecientes al patrimonio autonómico de modo que sea el municipio el que las ...

lunes, mayo 19, 2014

Build a Temperature, Humidity, and Smoke Alarm System with an ... - Lifehacker

Build a Temperature, Humidity, and Smoke Alarm System with an ...


Keeping track of things like the temperature, humidity, and smoke level in your house is important. If you want to make your own system for doing so, Instructables user ICStation shows off how to use an Arduino to do it. The system here monitors ...

sábado, mayo 17, 2014

Arduino begins shipping TRE developer edition boards worldwide - TweakTown

Arduino begins shipping TRE developer edition boards worldwide


This week, Arduino announced the launch of the first developer edition boards of its new TRE development system. The company said that it has listed the first 50 boards for sale on its website in an effort to boost its beta program and get some sample ...

viernes, mayo 16, 2014

Arduino And Atmel Announce The Arduino Zero 32-bit Extension - Ubergizmo

Arduino And Atmel Announce The Arduino Zero 32-bit Extension


Arduino And Atmel Announce The Arduino Zero 32 bit Extension For those interested in the Internet of Things, connected objects, home automation, wearable technology, and the likes, the Arduino has something for you that you might be interested in.

Most Popular Raspberry Pi Case: Short Crust - Lifehacker

Most Popular Raspberry Pi Case: Short Crust


The Raspberry Pi is an incredible device, but when you get one the first thing you may need is a decent case. Last week we asked you for your favorites , then took at look at the five best Raspberry Pi cases . Now we're back to highlight the winner of ...

jueves, mayo 15, 2014

Raspberry Pi software updates - what's new - ZDNet

Raspberry Pi software updates - what's new


This is the wonderful and amazing automatic self-installing bundle of operating systems that is provided by the Raspberry Pi developers. My first post about the Raspberry Pi and Raspbian discussed NOBS in some detail, and described installing and using it.

Six Clicks: Insanely great Raspberry Pi devices you can build yourself - ZDNet


Six Clicks: Insanely great Raspberry Pi devices you can build yourself


Raspberry Pi Supercomputer. When Raspberry Pi co-creator Eben Upton helped come up with the idea of an inexpensive Linux-powered single board computer (SBC), he honestly thought, "We would sell about 1,000, maybe 10,000 in our wildest dreams.

martes, mayo 13, 2014

El alcalde de Almussafes reconoce a dos policías locales por un ... - el periodic

El alcalde de Almussafes reconoce a dos policías locales por un ...

el periodic

A las 13 horas de ayer lunes día 12, el presidente de la Corporación de Almussafes, Albert Girona, reconoció a dos agentes de la Jefatura de la Policía Local por la detención de un presunto autor de delitos de robos, durante el pasado mes de abril.

Almussafes aumenta un 30 % las ayudas a las empresas para la ... -

Almussafes aumenta un 30 % las ayudas a las empresas para la ...

s. vives almussafes Entre los cambios que recoge el II Plan Estratégico de Fomento del Empleo de Almussafes, aprobado en el pleno del pasado jueves, destaca el incremento en cerca de un 30% de las ayudas a la contratación para el período 2014-15.

lunes, mayo 12, 2014

Arduino's Massimo Banzi: How We Helped Make The Maker ... - ReadWrite


Arduino's Massimo Banzi: How We Helped Make The Maker ...


Just because Arduino is easy to use and affordable doesn't mean it's limited. Since it can attach to a multitude of sensors, even beginners can make some pretty incredible projects based on the Arduino platform, from a thermostat to an ambulatory robot.

domingo, mayo 11, 2014

Five Best Raspberry Pi Cases - Lifehacker

Five Best Raspberry Pi Cases


If you have a Raspberry Pi and big plans for it, one of the first things you'll need is a case for it. There are tons to choose from, but some offer durability, port access, easy-access to the board, and style. This week we're looking at five of the ...

Food: Iced raspberry vodka tea - Daily Mail

Daily Mail

Food: Iced raspberry vodka tea

Daily Mail

At the same time, steep the raspberries in the vodka in the fridge. ○ To serve, place some ice and a slice of lemon in four large cocktail glasses or tumblers, divide the raspberries and vodka among them, and then the tea. Decorate with edible flowers ...

viernes, mayo 09, 2014

El Ayuntamiento de Almussafes organiza unas Jornadas de ... - (Comunicado de prensa)

El Ayuntamiento de Almussafes organiza unas Jornadas de ... (Comunicado de prensa)

A partir del próximo lunes día 12 y hasta el viernes día 16, la localidad de Almussafes acogerá la celebración de la sexta edición de las Jornadas de Orientación Laboral, una relación de actividades formativas y prácticas encaminadas a impulsar el ...

¿Qué tan pequeño puede ser un Arduino? - unocero

¿Qué tan pequeño puede ser un Arduino?


Olimex, una empresa que se dedica a la electrónica, sacó el producto derivado del Arduino más pequeño en el mercado. Se trata de un ATtiny85, al cual Olimex llamó Olimexino 85s, y sin duda fue el Arduino más pequeño que haya salido a la venta.

jueves, mayo 08, 2014

What's the Best Raspberry PI Case? - Lifehacker

What's the Best Raspberry PI Case?


You know we love the Raspberry Pi, but one of the first things you should do when you get one is find a decent case for it. A good case will keep it safe, keep the ports protected, fit nicely into your build project, and add a little style at the same ...

El CB Almussafes sitúa al alevín femenino en la semifinal autonómica - (Comunicado de prensa)

El CB Almussafes sitúa al alevín femenino en la semifinal autonómica (Comunicado de prensa)

El Club de Basket Almussafes se prepara para la disputa, por parte de su equipo alevín femenino, de los partidos de semifinal de la liga autonómica correspondiente a su categoría, tras haber superado todos los encuentros de clasificación previos.

miércoles, mayo 07, 2014

Adafruit bakers cook up Raspberry Pi eyewear to rival Google Glass - Inquirer


Adafruit bakers cook up Raspberry Pi eyewear to rival Google Glass


"We love it as a proof of concept, and it's not too much of a leap to get voice recognition (which the Pi handles admirably) working on a piece of kit like this; mounting a Raspberry Pi camera board on there shouldn't be too much of a stretch either ...

Arduino Vs. Raspberry Pi: Which Is The Right DIY Platform For You? - ReadWrite


Arduino Vs. Raspberry Pi: Which Is The Right DIY Platform For You?


Arduino, on the other hand, was born in Italy. It was named after the bar where inventor Massimo Banzi and his cofounders first forged the idea. Banzi, a teacher at the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea, wanted a simple hardware prototyping tool for ...

Modifying an Arduino Mega and chipKIT Max32 for 5V Operation - EE Times

Modifying an Arduino Mega and chipKIT Max32 for 5V Operation

EE Times

Now, the Arduino Mega and the chipKIT Max 32 both require an external supply of between 7V and 12V. When this supply is fed into the board, it is first regulated down to give a constant 5V supply and then regulated down again to provide a 3.3V supply.

martes, mayo 06, 2014

Modifying an Arduino Mega and chipKIT Max32 for 5V Operation - EE Times

Modifying an Arduino Mega and chipKIT Max32 for 5V Operation

EE Times

Now, the Arduino Mega and the chipKIT Max 32 both require an external supply of between 7V and 12V. When this supply is fed into the board, it is first regulated down to give a constant 5V supply and then regulated down again to provide a 3.3V supply.

Mark's online Arduino and intro to making classes - Boing Boing

Mark's online Arduino and intro to making classes

Boing Boing

Skillshare is a online learning community that costs $10 a month. Subscribers get access to hundreds of video classes on a wide variety of topics. I have two classes on Skillshare that were released today. One is called Introduction to Arduino ...

Benicarló gana a Almussafes B en la lucha por la permanencia en ... - el periodic

Benicarló gana a Almussafes B en la lucha por la permanencia en ...

el periodic

El pasado fin de semana, la primera formación del Club de Pilota Arrea-li Bona de Benicarló conseguía una más que importante victoria contra un rival directo en la lucha por mantener la categoría, el Almussafes B. La formación castellonense se imponía ...

Sweet 'n' Salty Raspberry Bars -

Sweet 'n' Salty Raspberry Bars

Sweet 'n' Salty Raspberry Bars. If you like the sweet 'n' salty combo, you're gonna love this! We think the flavor-packed taste of raspberry gelatin pairs perfectly with the saltiness of the pretzels. You won't even be able to tell it's made with ...

Crusty Bits: Prequel to Arduino - EE Times

Crusty Bits: Prequel to Arduino

EE Times

This blog is the result of a statement made by our one-and-only Max the Magnificent that the Arduino environment makes it easy for people to get started with Atmel's eight-bit microcontroller (MCU) experimentation. I think we have to concede this point ...

Crusty Bits: Prequel to Arduino - EE Times

Crusty Bits: Prequel to Arduino

EE Times

This blog is the result of a statement made by our one-and-only Max the Magnificent that the Arduino environment makes it easy for people to get started with Atmel's eight-bit microcontroller (MCU) experimentation. I think we have to concede this point ...

lunes, mayo 05, 2014

FunShield Arduino Educational Shield Launches For $25 (video) - Geeky gadgets

Geeky gadgets

FunShield Arduino Educational Shield Launches For $25 (video)

Geeky gadgets

If you enjoy teaching others to use the Arduino platform or our learning yourself, you might be interested in a new device which has been created called the FunShield Arduino Educational Platform kit. The FunShield Arduino educational kit has been ...

domingo, mayo 04, 2014

DIY Animatronic Iron Man Suit: Arduino Reactor - Technabob (blog)

Technabob (blog)

DIY Animatronic Iron Man Suit: Arduino Reactor

Technabob (blog)

Jerome used three Arduino Pro Minis and an Arduino Pro to control the moving parts. He also used an Xbee radio to control the helmet wirelessly, making it easier to take off or separate from the suit. Finally, Jerome attached RFID tags and an RFID ...