viernes, octubre 31, 2014

¿Vas a enviarme un invitación a Inbox?

¿Vas a enviarme un invitación a Inbox?

via Public RSS-Feed of Pedro González. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS 'GPlusRSS-Webtool' at

jueves, octubre 30, 2014

ALMUSSAFES. La Guardia Civil esclarece varios robos cometidos ... - El periódico de aquí

ALMUSSAFES. La Guardia Civil esclarece varios robos cometidos ...

El periódico de aquí

... ubicado en esta localidad de Almussafes, los agentesrecuperaron la totalidad de lo efectos sustraídos de estos robos, entre los quecabe destacar, 3 ordenadores portátiles, una bicicleta de montaña de gran valoreconómico, así como un televisor de 42 “.

miércoles, octubre 29, 2014

Dos detenidos por cinco robos en los trasteros de azoteas en ... - La Vanguardia

Dos detenidos por cinco robos en los trasteros de azoteas en ...

La Vanguardia

En el registro practicado por la Guardia Civil en el domicilio de uno de los detenidos, ubicado también en Almussafes, los agentes recuperaron la totalidad de lo efectos sustraídos en los robos, tres ordenadores portátiles, una bicicleta de montaña de ...

martes, octubre 28, 2014

Arduino + Car = Carduino. 3D Printed RC Car That Can Be ... -

Arduino + Car = Carduino. 3D Printed RC Car That Can Be ...

The team behind UK-based Maker Club — which will be kicking off its Indiegogo campaign today — have now rolled out (pun intended) their twist on the classic RC car. Based on an RC car and controlled by a powerful Arduino chip, the Carduino is here.

lunes, octubre 27, 2014

No public posts available.

Pedro Gonzlez does not share any public posts. Visit the Google+-Page

via Public RSS-Feed of Pedro Gonzlez. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS 'GPlusRSS-Webtool' at

Las Raspberry Pi contarán con pantalla táctil próximamente -

Las Raspberry Pi contarán con pantalla táctil próximamente

Durante una conferencia celebrada en el evento TechCrunch Disrupt celebrado en Londres, Eben Upton, uno de los fundadores de Raspberry Pi, ha mostrado un nuevo accesorio para la conocida Raspberry Pi, una pantalla de 7 pulgadas Wide VGA.

domingo, octubre 26, 2014

Caterham Seven 160 review: The Raspberry Pi of motoring - Register


Caterham Seven 160 review: The Raspberry Pi of motoring


It represents a refreshing antidote to lardy, tech-laden cars. The Seven was famously designed by Lotus in 1957 under a mantra of “adding lightness”, and the newish 160 proves the point. It's the same back-to-basics philosophy as Raspberry Pi has adopted.

sábado, octubre 25, 2014

BITalino Arduino Body Tracking Development Board Unveiled (video) - Geeky Gadgets (blog)

Geeky Gadgets (blog)

BITalino Arduino Body Tracking Development Board Unveiled (video)

Geeky Gadgets (blog)

Makers, developers and hobbyists that are creating projects that need to body tracking signals or track fluctuations in body functions for medical devices, may be interested in a new Arduino compatible development board called the BITalino. The ...

viernes, octubre 24, 2014

BITalino Arduino Body Tracking Development Board Unveiled (video) - Geeky Gadgets (blog)

Geeky Gadgets (blog)

BITalino Arduino Body Tracking Development Board Unveiled (video)

Geeky Gadgets (blog)

Makers, developers and hobbyists that are creating projects that need to body tracking signals or track fluctuations in body functions for medical devices, may be interested in a new Arduino compatible development board called the BITalino. The ...

miércoles, octubre 22, 2014

EasyTouch Capacitive Touch Sensor Supports Arduino And ... - Geeky Gadgets (blog)

Geeky Gadgets (blog)

EasyTouch Capacitive Touch Sensor Supports Arduino And ...

Geeky Gadgets (blog)

The EasyTouch capacitive touch sensor can be used with either the Arduino platform or the Raspberry Pi mini PC using the EasyPlug breakout board if required. Watch the video after the jump to learn more about the EasyTouch project and see it in action.

martes, octubre 21, 2014

Raspberry Pi Founder Shows Off Incoming Touch Panel For Making DIY 'Pi Pads' - TechCrunch (blog)

TechCrunch (blog)

Raspberry Pi Founder Shows Off Incoming Touch Panel For Making DIY 'Pi Pads'

TechCrunch (blog)

Eben Upton, the founder of the Raspberry Pi microcomputer, has shown off a new piece of hardware that's likely to expand the ecosystem around its single board computer — namely a touchscreen display. So, in other words, get ready for DIY 'Pi Pads'.

lunes, octubre 20, 2014

Build Yourself a Raspberry Pi Laptop - PSFK

Build Yourself a Raspberry Pi Laptop


People who enjoy building their stuff from the ground up will really enjoy the Pi-Top. The kit contains an injection molded casing, trackpad and keyboard components, a 13.3″ HD screen, the circuit boards, battery and a few chords for a complete set-up.

Almussafes cuenta su historia en 2.000 fotos - Las Provincias

Almussafes cuenta su historia en 2.000 fotos

Las Provincias

La técnica de la narrativa fotográfica como herramienta de expresión, y más concretamente como vehículo de recuperación de la memoria histórica se ha utilizado, por sexto año consecutivo, en la localidad ribereña de Almussafes a través de una ...

jueves, octubre 16, 2014

VERTER Converts Almost Any Battery Pack To 5V, Perfect For Your ... - Geeky gadgets (blog)

Geeky gadgets (blog)

VERTER Converts Almost Any Battery Pack To 5V, Perfect For Your ...

Geeky gadgets (blog)

VERTER is capable of taking battery voltages from 3-12VDC and then output a handy 5V DC power supply, which makes it a perfect universal power supply for your portable projects that you may have built using the Arduino platform, Raspberry Pi or similar.

martes, octubre 14, 2014

La computadora educativa Raspberry Pi llega a los 3,8 millones de unidades ... - (Argentina)

La computadora educativa Raspberry Pi llega a los 3,8 millones de unidades ... (Argentina)

La Raspberry Pi se actualizó en julio último con el modelo B+, que a su chip ARM Broadcomm BCM2835 a 700 MHz y sus 512 MB de RAM le sumó cuatro puertos USB, un menor consumo de energía y un puerto para tarjetas microSD mejorado.

domingo, octubre 12, 2014

Raspberry Pi Microcomputer Still Selling Like Hot Cakes - TechCrunch (blog)

TechCrunch (blog)

Raspberry Pi Microcomputer Still Selling Like Hot Cakes

TechCrunch (blog)

The UK designed Raspberry Pi microcomputer, which has triggered all sorts of creative single board computing projects — most recently being repurposed as the heart of a DIY computer designed to help kids learn to code — continues to sell in far ...

sábado, octubre 11, 2014

Learn programming, electronics at 'Intro to Arduino' - Fond du Lac Reporter

Fond du Lac Reporter

Learn programming, electronics at 'Intro to Arduino'

Fond du Lac Reporter

The Arduino is a mini computer that can function as the brains in everything from robots and flying drones to Christmas light shows, beer brewing equipment and indoor gardening. Presented by inventor and robotics instructor John Papenheim, this class ...

jueves, octubre 09, 2014

Almussafes contratará a dos jóvenes para ayudar a menores en ... - Las Provincias

Almussafes contratará a dos jóvenes para ayudar a menores en ...

Las Provincias

El Consistorio de Almussafes contratará a dos jóvenes menores de 30 años, con titulaciones en psicología, trabajo social o magisterio para desarrollar el servicio de integración socioeducativa de menores en situación de riesgo social en la localidad.

miércoles, octubre 08, 2014

Ford recibirá 22,45 millones para Almussafes - El Semanal Digital

El Semanal Digital

Ford recibirá 22,45 millones para Almussafes

El Semanal Digital

Dichos vehículos llegan a la instalación de Almussafes después del cierre del centro de Genk (Bélgica) y se suman a otros modelos que también se ensamblan ya en la planta española de Ford, como son el todoterreno Kuga y el Transit Connect.

Almussafes desarrollará el programa de integración socioeducativa ... - el periodic

Almussafes desarrollará el programa de integración socioeducativa ...

el periodic

El Consistorio de Almussafes contratará a dos jóvenes menores de 30 años, con titulaciones en psicología, trabajo social o magisterio para desarrollar el servicio de integración socioeducativa de menores en situación de riesgo social en la localidad.

Join Eben Upton, Father Of The Raspberry Pi, At Disrupt London - TechCrunch (blog)

TechCrunch (blog)

Join Eben Upton, Father Of The Raspberry Pi, At Disrupt London

TechCrunch (blog)

The Raspberry Pi has made hardware hacking as easy as, I suppose, pie. This tiny single-board computer launched a thousand projects and has sold 3 million units so far, a true juggernaut in the world of open source hardware. It's an amazingly usable ...

Turn An IKEA Dragan Box Into A Raspberry Pi Speaker - Lifehacker Australia

Turn An IKEA Dragan Box Into A Raspberry Pi Speaker

Lifehacker Australia

I suspect that the sound that you'd get out of a $14.99 IKEA Dragan bamboo box might be a touch on the “interesting” side, but you'd at least get a different sound system out of this particular hack, which uses the box as the frame, a Raspberry Pi as ...

Raspberry Pi projects - make a CCTV security camera system - Expert Reviews

Expert Reviews

Raspberry Pi projects - make a CCTV security camera system

Expert Reviews

To start you'll need a Raspberry Pi (around £28), a Raspberry Pi Camera Module (£20) and a fresh install of the latest version of Raspbian (either download it or select Raspbian via the NOOBS software that's pre-installed on the SD card of many ...

martes, octubre 07, 2014

Make a Programmable Irrigation Controller with a Raspberry Pi - Lifehacker

Make a Programmable Irrigation Controller with a Raspberry Pi


With all the day to day challenges that keep us busy, it can be hard to remember to water our plants. With a Raspberry Pi and a few other parts, you can program your own irrigation controller and make sure all your plants get the water they need ...

Instant Sugar-Free Raspberry Jam -

Instant Sugar-Free Raspberry Jam

Place the coconut water in your blender and add the dates. Blast on high for about 30 to 60 seconds until the dates have broken up. Scrape down the sides of the container, then add the chia seeds and one-half of the raspberries. Pulse on low a few ...

Arduino 3D Printing And CNC Machines - iProgrammer

Arduino 3D Printing And CNC Machines


The 3D printer revolution still has a long way to go, but with Arduino on board it is getting closer to its target. The new Arduino Materia 101 is designed to be simple and with its cool blue Arduino logo you can't help but feel that it really is more ...

domingo, octubre 05, 2014

Almussafes suscribe el protocolo para proteger a víctimas de ... -

Almussafes suscribe el protocolo para proteger a víctimas de ...

levante-emv alzira Almussafes mejorará la coordinación y cooperación entre los distintos Cuerpos con la constitución de la Junta Local de Seguridad. El municipio se adhiere al protocolo para la protección de las víctimas de violencia doméstica y de género.

Supercapacitores para la Raspberry Pi - unocero


Supercapacitores para la Raspberry Pi


La Raspberry Pi es sin duda una idea estupenda. Su misión original fue la de crear una computadora con el poder suficiente para que los chicos aprendieran las artes de la programación. Sin embargo, lo atractivo fue que esto se podía hacer en una ...

viernes, octubre 03, 2014

Arduino adds affordable 3D printing to its open source hardware ... - Gizmag


Arduino adds affordable 3D printing to its open source hardware ...


Arduino may be known for revolutionizing open source hardware platforms, but this week enters the 3D printer market with the small and (relatively) affordable Materia 101. Produced in partnership with fellow Italian company Sharebot, the printer is ...

miércoles, octubre 01, 2014

Arduino's new 3D printer lets you modify just about everything - Engadget

Arduino's new 3D printer lets you modify just about everything


If you're a fan of Arduino's tinker-friendly approach to computing, you'll be glad to hear that it's now extending that open philosophy to 3D printers. The company has teamed up with Sharebot to unveil the Materia 101, a small (5.5 inches by 4 inches ...