sábado, marzo 26, 2016

BBC Micro Bit and Raspberry Pi Zero: How do they compare? - ZDNet


BBC Micro Bit and Raspberry Pi Zero: How do they compare?
Comparing the Micro Bit to the latest model of Raspberry Pi, which sells for $35, is a little unfair but the Raspberry Pi Zero ($5) is more comparable level in terms of scale and price (the BBC has said the Micro Bit will go on sale to the public as ...
The BBC's Raspberry Pi-like computer has rolled out to 1m students and you can soon buy oneThe Next Web
BBC micro:bit Enables a Million UK Children to Start CodingInfoQ.com
BBC micro:bit learn-to-code device finally rolling out to UK schoolsTechCrunch
The Register -BBC News -Inquirer
los 80 artículos informativos »

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