lunes, marzo 31, 2014

Unlock a Door with an Arduino and Your Smartphone - Lifehacker

Unlock a Door with an Arduino and Your Smartphone


If you're sick of using your boring old keys to unlock your door, Make has a guide for using and Arduino to power a lock that you can control with your smartphone. The build uses an Arduino, a Bluetooth plugin, and few chips to control the the process ...

Run Quake III on a Raspberry Pi with new open-source graphics driver - Liliputing

Run Quake III on a Raspberry Pi with new open-source graphics driver


Broadcom and Raspberry Pi recently released the source code and documentation for a chip similar to the one used in the group's mini-computer. But open source code is only as good as the applications you can use it to build — so the team also ...

This $200 Raspberry Pi Box Could Have Saved Mt. Gox - Wired


This $200 Raspberry Pi Box Could Have Saved Mt. Gox


The PiperWallet is a small black box that does little more than generate numbers and spit out paper. But if you invest in bitcoin — the popular digital currency — it could be a lifesaver. When you own bitcoins, they're stored at a particular address ...

Fronteras, tradiciones y mestizaje -

Fronteras, tradiciones y mestizaje

... las tradiciones valencianas regalándome un buen almuerzo; mis pasos en pos de lo autóctono me llevan al restaurante Va de Bo, donde una empleada me ofrece la carta de bocadillos para que elija entre un almussafes, un blanc i negre y demás delicias.

Arduino-compatible MicroView - Wired

Arduino-compatible MicroView


“We've always tried to make learning electronics easier, we started by creating an Arduino with LEDs on each output pin so you know when the pins are being turned on. We next built Ninja Blocks, an Internet of Things system that removes the impediments ...

domingo, marzo 30, 2014

Arduino Day Torino - Wired

Arduino Day Torino


It doesn't matter whether you are an expert or a newbie, an engineer, designer, crafter or maker: Arduino Day is open to anyone who wants to celebrate Arduino and all the things that have been done (or can be done!) with it. The events set up by ...

El ITSLP publica proyectos en Arduino - Pulso de San Luis

Pulso de San Luis

El ITSLP publica proyectos en Arduino

Pulso de San Luis

SOLACHE71334 Como parte de la comunidad global que utiliza la plataforma Arduino, ayer el Instituto Tecnológico de San Luis Potosí (ITSLP) realizó la exposición de proyectos bajo este sistema innovador, en su edición Arduino Day 2014 ITSLP.

Gardening: Raspberries - Herald Scotland

Herald Scotland

Gardening: Raspberries

Herald Scotland

Raspberries, those most Scottish of fruits, are tough but do need free-draining soil. They have a large root system and are planted 45cm apart in the open ground, so limit yourself to one plant for a 45-litre pot. Clay pots are less likely to blow over ...

sábado, marzo 29, 2014

Take a moment today to say thanks for Arduino - GigaOM

Take a moment today to say thanks for Arduino


Arduino's big appeal, aside from costing as little as $30, is that it hides all of the messy details of working with electronics, Shiloh said. You don't need to know what's going on at the base level in order to get started. But it's also open source ...

Arduino-powered Etch-a-Sketch clock - Boing Boing

Arduino-powered Etch-a-Sketch clock

Boing Boing

Dodgey99 built an Arduino-powered Etch-a-Sketch clock, in which a pair of stepper motors painstakingly draw out the current time. It's got a very low refresh rate, though: the limits of the motors and the Etch-a-Sketch means that it takes more than a ...

Samedi, c'est Arduino Day ! (près de chez vous ?) - Numerama


Samedi, c'est Arduino Day ! (près de chez vous ?)


Vous vous intéressez au DIY (Do It Yourself) et à l'électronique mais ne savez pas par où commencer pour vous amuser ? Le plus simple est certainement de débuter par un kit Arduino. Mais pour apprendre à s'en servir, et découvrir ce qu'il est possible ...

Alumnos de la UAEH desarrollan proyectos tecnológicos innovadores -

Alumnos de la UAEH desarrollan proyectos tecnológicos innovadores

Alumnos de la UAEH desarrollan proyectos tecnológicos innovadores. La UAEH es una de las 237 sedes en el mundo, Arduino Day se llevará a cabo este 29 de marzo a partir de las 10:00 horas dentro del ICBI.

viernes, marzo 28, 2014

RetroWatch: el reloj inteligente open source que se puede construir ... - RedUSERS


RetroWatch: el reloj inteligente open source que se puede construir ...


“El último verano (boreal) descubrí que Arduino es un juguete muy interesante y me enamoré de él. Después del trabajo, intentaba conectar a Arduino con mi teléfono celular de varias maneras. RetroWatch es el resultado de esas pruebas y errores”, contó ...

Arduino-compatible MicroView - Wired

Arduino-compatible MicroView


“We've always tried to make learning electronics easier, we started by creating an Arduino with LEDs on each output pin so you know when the pins are being turned on. We next built Ninja Blocks, an Internet of Things system that removes the impediments ...

jueves, marzo 27, 2014

The new baker: Raspberry rose rugelach with pistachio -

The new baker: Raspberry rose rugelach with pistachio

The new baker: Raspberry rose rugelach with pistachio. Gorgeously flaky, rich-tasting biscuits with a nutty crunch and sweet fragrance. Raspberry rose rugelach with pistachio. Photo: ANDREW TWORT. By Sarah Leahey-Benjamin. 7:30AM GMT 27 Mar 2014.

Little taste in SA for Raspberry Pi - TechCentral


Little taste in SA for Raspberry Pi


The focus of the low-cost microcomputer Raspberry Pi, which costs as little as R349, has not hit its intended target market in South Africa, says RS Components, one of two global distributors of Raspberry Pi. RS Components GM Brian Andrews says it's ...

miércoles, marzo 26, 2014

Arduino Day Torino - Wired

Arduino Day Torino


It doesn't matter whether you are an expert or a newbie, an engineer, designer, crafter or maker: Arduino Day is open to anyone who wants to celebrate Arduino and all the things that have been done (or can be done!) with it. The events set up by ...

Arduino shields - (blog)

Arduino shields (blog)

Arduino shields are modular circuit boards that piggyback onto your Arduino to instill it with extra functionality. Want to connect your Arduino to the Internet and post to Twitter? There's a shield for that. Want to make your Arduino an autonomous rover?

Tiny Arcade Machine Holds Raspberry Pi - EE Times

Tiny Arcade Machine Holds Raspberry Pi

EE Times

For many of us, there is a certain wonderful feeling that bubbles to the surface when we think of arcades. The many hours spent huddled around a game, pouring our hard-earned quarters into the machine. The shouts of frustration as your friends can't ...

Be happy!!

Be happy!!

Happy Pharrell Williams // We are from VALENCIA #HAPPYDAY

via Public RSS-Feed of Pedro González. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS 'GPlusRSS-Webtool' at

Use Alessi raspberry vinegar in dressings - Tyler Morning Telegraph

Use Alessi raspberry vinegar in dressings

Tyler Morning Telegraph

Favorite Flavor Christine Gardner/Staff. Alessi white balsamic raspberry blush vinegar is crisp and has a delicate flavor. Use it in salad dressings, marinades or on roasted vegetables. Add a splash of vinegar, before or after cooking, or during ...

martes, marzo 25, 2014

Controllino Arduino Compatible PLC (video) - Geeky gadgets

Geeky gadgets

Controllino Arduino Compatible PLC (video)

Geeky gadgets

Those of you that enjoy building projects using Arduino might be interested in this new Arduino compatible PLC available in three different size, designed by SG-Tronic. Controllino is a professional PLC for private and industrial use, build around ...

Raspberry PI Jam event at University Centre Peterborough - Peterborough Telegraph

Peterborough Telegraph

Raspberry PI Jam event at University Centre Peterborough

Peterborough Telegraph

Youngsters took part in a Raspberry PI Jam computer event at at University Centre Peterborough (UCP) at the city's regional college on 15th March. 'Raspberry Jams' are events held around the world for enthusiasts of the Raspberry Pi, the credit-card ...

lunes, marzo 24, 2014

Testing and tinkering with the Arduino Starter Pack -

Testing and tinkering with the Arduino Starter Pack

Are you new to Arduino? Open hardware like the Arduino Starter Pack from Adafruit is a great way to start tinkering with this small computer board. It is the ideal kit for beginners to open hardware or anyone looking to start a project using the ...

domingo, marzo 23, 2014

Gambebuino, la consola portátil basada en Arduino - Omicrono


Gambebuino, la consola portátil basada en Arduino


... haría unos años. Este caso se repite en el proyecto de Crowdfunding que os presentamos hoy, aunque sea de una manera algo diferente: esta consola de videojuegos se vale de Arduino y mucha imaginación de los compradores para funcionar.

Chocolate Raspberry Layer Cake Is the Ultimate Showstopping Dessert - The Stir

The Stir

Chocolate Raspberry Layer Cake Is the Ultimate Showstopping Dessert

The Stir

This chocolate raspberry layer cake has everything you could possibly want in a sweet treat. It's got yummy, decadent sweet and unsweetened chocolate; creamy frosting; and an unbelievably delicious center made of raspberry filling. Yum. Doesn't get ...

sábado, marzo 22, 2014

Exeter Raspberry Pi jam 22/3/2014 - Torquay Herald Express

Torquay Herald Express

Exeter Raspberry Pi jam 22/3/2014

Torquay Herald Express

If you are in school ask your teacher about the Raspberry Pi or come along to the Torbay Pi jam on Saturday 12th April 2014, 13:00 to 15:00 at Paignton Library. Artile by Paul Sutton @zleap14. Tweet this article. Share. Digg · Reddit · Delicious ...

viernes, marzo 21, 2014

$99 board adds HDMI input to Raspberry Pi (Kickstarter) - Liliputing

$99 board adds HDMI input to Raspberry Pi (Kickstarter)


The Raspberry Pi is an inexpensive little computer-on-a-board with a low-power processor, an Ethernet port, and HDMI output. If you want a video input, y0u can buy an optional camera accessory… but if you want to go a bit further a team of developers ...

Premios nacionales e internacionales ofrecerán el mejor ... - el periodic

Premios nacionales e internacionales ofrecerán el mejor ...

el periodic

Magia cómica, grandes ilusiones, manipulación, magia general y artes afines son las principales disciplinas mágicas que este año van a hacer soñar al público en el Almussafes Magic 2014. El mayor espectáculo del mundo llega fiel a su cita en la localidad.

Program And Customise Your Vibrator With An Arduino - Lifehacker Australia

Program And Customise Your Vibrator With An Arduino

Lifehacker Australia

Fancier models may have different vibration patterns, but if you really want to experiment — and test out your programming chops — you can create your own vibration patterns with an Arduino. Lifehacker veterans should be familiar with the Arduino: it ...

Premios nacionales e internacionales ofrecerán el mejor ... - (Comunicado de prensa)

Premios nacionales e internacionales ofrecerán el mejor ... (Comunicado de prensa)

Magia cómica, grandes ilusiones, manipulación, magia general y artes afines son las principales disciplinas mágicas que este año van a hacer soñar al público en el Almussafes Magic 2014. El mayor espectáculo del mundo llega fiel a su cita en la ...

Project ATAAPR: Andy the Autonomous Arduino Powered Rover ... - TweakTown

Project ATAAPR: Andy the Autonomous Arduino Powered Rover ...


After a few weeks of research and development, I settled on a design that was based on the Dagu Magician Chassis and Arduino. The Magician Chassis is a low-cost robotics platform that is based off of two gear motors and laser cut acrylic sheets that ...

Los niños de Almussafes disfrutarán de una zona lúdica renovada ... - (Comunicado de prensa)

Los niños de Almussafes disfrutarán de una zona lúdica renovada ... (Comunicado de prensa)

Con la llegada de las vacaciones escolares de Semana Santa, los pequeños de la localidad de Almussafes podrán pasar parte de su tiempo de ocio disfrutando de un nuevo juego múltiple en la zona verde donde se emplaza la Casa Consistorial.

«Arduino marca un cambio total en el ámbito tecnológico» - Diario Vasco

«Arduino marca un cambio total en el ámbito tecnológico»

Diario Vasco

-Arduino es una plataforma de código abierto (un equivalente del software libre/Linux para el hardware), que facilita el uso de la electrónica en proyectos multidisciplinares a todo tipo de perfiles, tanto profesionales como amateurs. Consiste en una ...

jueves, marzo 20, 2014

7 favorite Raspberry Pi projects -

7 favorite Raspberry Pi projects

Having recently co-authored a book about building things with the Raspberry Pi (Raspberry Pi Hacks), I've spent a lot of the last couple of years talking about this credit-card-sized Linux computer and seeing fun things people have used it for ...

Viene el día del Arduino 2014 - unocero

Viene el día del Arduino 2014


arduino El “Arduino Day” es una celebración mundial de los primeros 10 años de la existencia de la plataforma Arduino. Esta es una plataforma de hardware libre, basada en un microcontrolador y un entorno de desarrollo, diseñado todo para facilitar el ...

miércoles, marzo 19, 2014

Vegan Recipe: Raspberry and Blueberry Muffins - The Ann Arbor News

Vegan Recipe: Raspberry and Blueberry Muffins

The Ann Arbor News

A few weeks ago, I was pre-measuring ingredients for a brunch we were hosting the next morning, when my daughter, Emily, got the brilliant idea to add raspberries to the blueberry muffins. It was an outstanding suggestion, so she gets all the credit. I ...