jueves, diciembre 31, 2015

Turn A Raspberry Pi Zero Into Just About Any USB Device You Can Imagine - Lifehacker Australia

Lifehacker Australia

Turn A Raspberry Pi Zero Into Just About Any USB Device You Can Imagine
Lifehacker Australia
The Raspberry Pi Zero is a pretty low key little device, but the folks over at Adafruit figured out that it's possible to turn the Zero into a USB device, which means it can be used to make a number of electronics, ranging from an ethernet device to a ...
Yet Another Pi Zero USB HubHackaday

los 3 artículos informativos »

Code Craft-Embedding C++: Hacking the Arduino Software ... - Hackaday


Code Craft-Embedding C++: Hacking the Arduino Software ...
The Arduino software environment, including the IDE, libraries, and general approach, are geared toward education. It's meant as a way to introduce embedded development to newbies. This is a great concept but it falls short when more serious ...

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Top 10 heroes and villains of 2015: Raspberry Pi, Donald Trump and the EU - V3.co.uk


Top 10 heroes and villains of 2015: Raspberry Pi, Donald Trump and the EU
Another dramatic year comes to a close. The technology world was full of twists and turns, shocks, dramas and intrigues, headed by a cast of heroes and villains who played central roles throughout the year. The V3 team has taken a look back over the ...

Reshared post from Ibermática:

Original Post from Ibermática:

2016 será un año muy "digital", por eso nuestra felicitación va en consonancia ;) Por un año cargado de buenas noticias, feliz 2016 a todos!!!!

via Public RSS-Feed of Pedro González. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS 'GPlusRSS-Webtool' at http://gplusrss.com http://ift.tt/22Acxum

Adam Warren :Raspberry Macaroons - Huffington Post UK

Huffington Post UK

Adam Warren :Raspberry Macaroons
Huffington Post UK
In my opinion the Christmas period covers the three days of Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day. After all, there's eating, drinking and indulging throughout these days and this year was certainly no exception. I've been practicing this ...

Freebox Arduino, une application domotique gratuite pour le ... - Univers Freebox

Univers Freebox

Freebox Arduino, une application domotique gratuite pour le ...
Univers Freebox
Le développeur de « Freebox Arduino » nous a contacté afin de nous présenter son application gratuite réservée aux abonnés qui possèdent un Arduino et/ou Raspberry PI connecté en réseau (avec un shield ethernet ou wifi). Celle-ci permet de créer une ...

Another building fills up at CB1 in Cambridge as Raspberry Pi and JA Kemp move in - Cambridge News

Another building fills up at CB1 in Cambridge as Raspberry Pi and JA Kemp move in
Cambridge News
Education charity Raspberry Pi Foundation has agreed a five-year lease on a 7,060 sq ft suite on the second floor. The organisation specialises in teaching computer programming to children and adults using a tiny and affordable computer. They will be ...

Malware peddlers offered Raspberry Pi money to infect your micro-PC - PCWorld


Malware peddlers offered Raspberry Pi money to infect your micro-PC
The Raspberry Pi—the popular mini-PC that's about the size of credit card—is attracting attention from malware distributors. But not in the sense that you might think. Last Wednesday, the Raspberry Pi Foundation tweeted a screenshot of an email in ...

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miércoles, diciembre 30, 2015

Turn a Raspberry Pi Zero Into Just About Any USB Device You Can Imagine - Lifehacker


Turn a Raspberry Pi Zero Into Just About Any USB Device You Can Imagine
The Raspberry Pi Zero is a pretty low key little device, but the folks over at Adafruit figured out that it's possible to turn the Zero into a USB device, which means it can be used to make a number of electronics, ranging from an ethernet device to a ...

Arduino Goes Pro - IHS Electronics360

IHS Electronics360

Arduino Goes Pro
IHS Electronics360
The Arduino ecosystem has continued to evolve as it finds its way into increasingly-sophisticated applications. This evolution is especially apparent in the development tools which Arduino, and other vendors have recently introduced. In this article ...

Utopian Raspberry – Modern Oasis Machine asks how DOES a dog wear pants? - Daily Mail

Daily Mail

Utopian Raspberry – Modern Oasis Machine asks how DOES a dog wear pants?
Daily Mail
Keller tracked down Norbert, a page admin at Utopian Raspberry – Modern Oasis, who said he created the image last night around 2 am or 3 am after seeing some dogs wearing pants. 'I thought about how they don't really have arms so their pants should ...
How Do Dogs Wear Pants? The Question Is More Controversial Than You ThinkRefinery29

los 33 artículos informativos »

Pre-installed malware on Raspberry Pi? They were asked to at least - TweakTown

Pre-installed malware on Raspberry Pi? They were asked to at least
It looks like some enterprising business people approached the Raspberry Pi Foundation with an odd business proposal, to pre-install their malware on the Raspberry Pi mini-computer. Amazing. This person seems to be very sincerely offering us money to ...

martes, diciembre 29, 2015

El soporte a Arduino se estrena en la plataforma de desarrollo LinkIt ... - eju.tv


El soporte a Arduino se estrena en la plataforma de desarrollo LinkIt ...
Fue hace más de un año cuando MediaTek anunció la creación de una nueva división llamada MediaTek Labs, que estaría enfocada en otorgar herramientas a los desarrolladores para la creación de dispositivos wearables y soluciones dentro del Internet ...
Nueva plataforma crear productos avanzados con Wi-Fi para ...PCWorld México

los 2 artículos informativos »

Turn a Raspberry Pi Zero Into Just About Any USB Device You Can Imagine - Lifehacker


Turn a Raspberry Pi Zero Into Just About Any USB Device You Can Imagine
The Raspberry Pi Zero is a pretty low key little device, but the folks over at Adafruit figured out that it's possible to turn the Zero into a USB device, which means it can be used to make a number of electronics, ranging from an ethernet device to a ...

Thimble: Arduino-Basteleien im Abo - Golem.de


Thimble: Arduino-Basteleien im Abo
Je nach Unterstützungsbetrag ist im Bastelset ein Arduino-Board enthalten, das die Eingaben des Nutzers interpretiert und an die Komponenten weiterleitet. Wahlweise kann das Kit auch ohne Board bestellt werden, falls der Nutzer bereits eines hat.

Raspberry Pi Foundation Says 'No' To Malware - InformationWeek


Raspberry Pi Foundation Says 'No' To Malware
That checkbook will need to work with an organization other than the Raspberry Pi Foundation, though. Open slots in Raspbian Linux are not for sale. Numerous news sites are reporting that Liz Upton, the Raspberry Pi Foundation's communications director ...

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How to Add WiFi to Your Arduino - DZone News

DZone News

How to Add WiFi to Your Arduino
DZone News
If you want to add internet connectivity to an Arduino, you have quite a few options. Since most Arduino models are not bundled with Ethernet or WiFi a market has developed for it, and I decided to try one out and share my thoughts. For this article I ...

Hands-On: Getting my Raspberry Pi Zero kitted out - ZDNet


Hands-On: Getting my Raspberry Pi Zero kitted out
While I was writing the recent series about the Raspberry Pi Zero, Raspbian and NOOBS I came across a new (at least to me) hardware accessory, the Broadcom Wi-fi Adapter and USB Hub. I promised then to write about its compatibility and performance, ...

Arduino mit .NET programmieren - entwickler.de (Blog)

entwickler.de (Blog)

Arduino mit .NET programmieren
entwickler.de (Blog)
Der initiale Erfolg der Arduino-Plattform lag im AVR-Controller begründet: Der weitverbreitete Chip ist unzerstörbar und lässt sich ohne Probleme in eigene Schaltungen integrieren. Seine Primitivität erwies sich jedoch schon bald als Hindernis für das ...

What's the best Raspberry Pi for your needs? - TechRadar


What's the best Raspberry Pi for your needs?
When the Raspberry Pi was first launched things were relatively straightforward – there was just one model to choose from. Fast forward to today, however, and you have no less than four major models to choose from. So, which one is best for your needs?

lunes, diciembre 28, 2015

Hackers pagan por infectar Raspberry - CIOAL


Hackers pagan por infectar Raspberry
En el correo electrónico la compañía – cuyo nombre fue ocultado – ofreció dinero de la Fundación Raspberry Pis con el fin de distribuir un archivo “exe” en máquinas de su marca… sin que se le diera importancia, por ejemplo, al hecho de que Raspberry ...

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DIY Raspberry Pi SenseHAT Weather Forecasting System (video) - Geeky Gadgets

Geeky Gadgets

DIY Raspberry Pi SenseHAT Weather Forecasting System (video)
Geeky Gadgets
For full instructions on how to get your Raspberry Pi SenseHAT weather forecaster system up and running jump over to the Supper Time website via the link below. For more information and to see the forecasting system in operation watch the brief video ...

ROKOS V4, sistema operativo para ejecutar un nodo de Bitcoin en Raspberry Pi 2 - CriptoNoticias

ROKOS V4, sistema operativo para ejecutar un nodo de Bitcoin en Raspberry Pi 2
Antes del lanzamiento de ROKOS V4 la solución para las personas interesadas en ejecutar un nodo de Bitcoin era hacerlo en un ordenador común o adquirir una Raspberry Pi con un nodo preconfigurado, lo cual resulta poco rentable debido a los altos ...

Raspberry Pi: Como acender um LED? - Pplware


Raspberry Pi: Como acender um LED?
O Natal é sinónimo de presentes e certamente alguns dos nossos leitores receberam um Raspberry Pi. Quem não o recebeu pode sempre adquiri-lo aqui, a um preço especial. Além das funcionalidades já conhecidas deste pequeno PC, o Raspberry Pi ...

Riot Internet Of Things Arduino Compatible Sensors Unveiled (video) - Geeky Gadgets

Geeky Gadgets

Riot Internet Of Things Arduino Compatible Sensors Unveiled (video)
Geeky Gadgets
Riot Internet Of Things Arduino Compatible Sensors Unveiled (video). 1:15 pm December 28, 2015 By Julian Horsey. riots Internet Of Things. Those of you that enjoy using the Arduino platform to create projects, may be interested in a new range of ...

Best Raspberry Pi, Arduino DIY Projects For Your Holiday Downtime - InformationWeek


Best Raspberry Pi, Arduino DIY Projects For Your Holiday Downtime
I've split the list between Arduino-based projects and those that use Raspberry Pi as their foundation. I know that there are other systems out there, from BeagleBone to PicAXE, that can be used for simple projects, and I promise that I'll do an ...

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domingo, diciembre 27, 2015

Malware peddlers offered Raspberry Pi money to infect your micro-PC - PCWorld


Malware peddlers offered Raspberry Pi money to infect your micro-PC
The Raspberry Pi—the popular mini-PC that's about the size of credit card—is attracting attention from malware distributors. But not in the sense that you might think. Last Wednesday, the Raspberry Pi Foundation tweeted a screenshot of an email in ...