martes, marzo 01, 2016

Microsoft releases Windows 10 preview for Raspberry Pi 3 - The Register

The Register

Microsoft releases Windows 10 preview for Raspberry Pi 3
The Register
Some may, however, be excited that Microsoft says it's signed up for the Raspberry Pi customisation program and plans that “OEMs will now be able to build versions of the Raspberry Pi that meet their unique requirements, use the open source BSP that ...
Microsoft releases Windows 10 IoT Core for Raspberry Pi 3 -- can it displace Linux on Pi?BetaNews
Raspberry Pi 3 is Only Supported with Windows 10 IoT Core Insider (blog)
Yes, Windows 10 IoT supports the brand new Raspberry Pi 3WinBeta
OS News -Neowin
los 10 artículos informativos »

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