martes, febrero 28, 2017

The $10 Raspberry Pi Zero W is the teeniest little Wi-Fi-enabled computer you've ever seen - TechCrunch


The $10 Raspberry Pi Zero W is the teeniest little Wi-Fi-enabled computer you've ever seen
When the original $5 Raspberry Pi Zero came out – to much fanfare, I might add – users connected it to all sorts of things. They made micro gaming rigs that ran on the 1GHz single-core CPU and added Pi Hats – little breakout boards – to power robots ...
Raspberry Pi Zero W: The smart person's guide - TechRepublicTechRepublic
New $10 Raspberry Pi Zero comes with Wi-Fi and BluetoothArs Technica
Raspberry Pi Zero W is a $10 computer with WiFi and BluetoothEngadget
los 42 artículos informativos »

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