martes, junio 30, 2015

神器Arduino夯創客運動掀狂潮 - 臺灣新浪網

兩岸創客專題報導之二(中央社記者蔡素蓉台北29日電)遙控機器人、以紅外線遙控家電,創客神器-「Arduino」正是這些作品背後的功臣。這個採用開放原始碼、自2005年誕生的電路板,開放給全球使用後,促使創客運動風起雲湧。 「Arduino」無疑是近年來風靡全球創 ...

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July Fourth Foods: Raspberry-rhubarb cream pie - Fayetteville Observer

Fayetteville Observer

July Fourth Foods: Raspberry-rhubarb cream pie
Fayetteville Observer
We started by ditching the usual cooked strawberries in favor of fresh raspberries. The raspberries get arranged over a simple but deliciously tart-sweet rhubarb compote.We layered all of that over a vanilla pudding, giving us the best of two worlds ...

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Esta la primera carcasa oficial para la Rasperry Pi 2 - PC World en Espanol

PC World en Espanol

Esta la primera carcasa oficial para la Rasperry Pi 2
PC World en Espanol
Cuando Raspberry Pi Fundation combinan el diseño, el amor, la atención al detalle, exactitud, y “trabajo muy duro”, surgen cosas tan elegantes y prácticas como la primera carcaza oficial para la Raspberry Pi. La organización detrás de la famosa micro ...

Speak recognition system runs on Arduino shield -

Speak recognition system runs on Arduino shield
A couple of developers in California have created the design for an Arduino shield with speech recognition technology. Called MOVI (My Own Voice Interface), it is the work of Bertrand Irissou and Gerald Friedland founders of Audeme and the project will ...

Learn to Build Raspberry Pi Controllers Using Python - DesignNews


Learn to Build Raspberry Pi Controllers Using Python
Raspberry Pi has become a popular entry door into the design and construction of electronic gadgets, whether toys or commercial products. Beginning July 6, the Design News Continuing Education Center will present a week-long set of free classes that ...

You can buy the Arduino M0 Pro at RS -

You can buy the Arduino M0 Pro at RS
A higher spec version of the Arduino Uno board, the M0 Pro board is designed to be used for internet-of-things (IoT) devices, wearable technologies, high-tech automation and robotics. The board's Atmel SAM D21 microcontroller integrates the ARM Cortex ...

Så bygger du en robotklocka – av en Arduino och lite lego! - M3

Så bygger du en robotklocka – av en Arduino och lite lego!
Roboten består av tre små servon, ett gäng skruvar, enkortsdatorn Arduino samt 3d-utskrivna delar för att pussla ihop själva skelettet till roboten. I robotens arm fästs en whiteboard-penna. Roboten skriver sedan det aktuella klockslaget på en ...

Celebrate July with Raspberry Cake Day, Hot Dog... - (blog) (blog)

Celebrate July with Raspberry Cake Day, Hot Dog... (blog)
Summer brings barbecues and celebrations, and this month in particular, we have a lot of food to celebrate. According to, there are 31 days of food holidays, every foodie will look forward to. Summer is not only a great time for ...

Retro Typewriter Printer Created Using Arduino And Solenoids (video) - Geeky Gadgets

Retro Typewriter Printer Created Using Arduino And Solenoids (video)
Geeky Gadgets
Chris Gregg has created a fantastic printer using a retro classic mechanical typewriter which can be used as a printer thanks to the power of the Arduino platform and a bag full of solenoids which have been used to help transfer the digital documents ...

Arduino beszerezve - Hungarian Unix Portal

Arduino beszerezve
Hungarian Unix Portal
Igaz, ez csak a nano változat, de pont elég egy kis játékra, aztán ha úgy alakul lakás okosításra is. Jó az is, hogy pici a processzor és a ram, elvégre az ember egy bika gépen sosem fogja megtanulni mi az az erőforrás takarékoskodás. Nincs annyira ...

Arduino HamShield Hits Kickstarter To Communicate Using Amateur ... - Geeky Gadgets

Geeky Gadgets

Arduino HamShield Hits Kickstarter To Communicate Using Amateur ...
Geeky Gadgets
Casey Halverson has launched a new piece of Arduino compatible hardware he has designed and built called the Arduino HamShield. That is capable of enabling your Arduino project to communicate with people and things using amateur radio bands.

An early start for Whatcom raspberry harvest - The Bellingham Herald

The Bellingham Herald

An early start for Whatcom raspberry harvest
The Bellingham Herald
From u-pick to machine harvesting, activity got rolling last week, with the raspberry crop expected to be mostly complete by the end of July. That's about two weeks earlier than the typical harvest, said Rolf Haugen, manager at the Northwest Raspberry ...

Ljetna škola programiranja za djecu: Arduino - male stvari za veliku ... - Radio Sarajevo

Radio Sarajevo

Ljetna škola programiranja za djecu: Arduino - male stvari za veliku ...
Radio Sarajevo
"Cilj ovog kursa je da približimo svijet budućnosti i elektronike našim juniorima, da ih zainteresujemo pametnim stvarčicama, da bi sutra, jednog dana pravili velike stvari". Ovako glasi najava prvog kursa za djecu koji organizira Academy 387 ...

Raspberry-rhubarb cream pie - Lincoln Journal Star

Lincoln Journal Star

Raspberry-rhubarb cream pie
Lincoln Journal Star
We started by ditching the usual cooked strawberries in favor of fresh raspberries. The raspberries get arranged over a simple but deliciously tart-sweet rhubarb compote. And we didn't stop there. We layered all of that over a vanilla pudding, giving ...

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lunes, junio 29, 2015

Cupcakes, raspberry beer and water are part of the fun in Osmond - Norfolk Daily News

Norfolk Daily News

Cupcakes, raspberry beer and water are part of the fun in Osmond
Norfolk Daily News
Cheese and crackers were served on the side. Tasters could ask questions about unusual wines or beers and try a variety of flavors. “I kind of liked the raspberry beer I tasted,” said Ted Hillman, a former superintendent of Osmond Public School who ...

Raspberry Cream Cheese Brownies - Community Table

Community Table

Raspberry Cream Cheese Brownies
Community Table
Preheat oven to 325F. Coat an 8-inch square baking pan with cooking spray. Line bottom and sides with foil, allowing a 2-inch overhang on all sides. Coat foil with spray. To prepare cream cheese swirl, beat cheese, sugar and egg with an electric mixer ...

Ljetna škola programiranja za djecu: Arduino - male stvari za veliku ... - Radio Sarajevo

Ljetna škola programiranja za djecu: Arduino - male stvari za veliku ...
Radio Sarajevo
"Cilj ovog kursa je da približimo svijet budućnosti i elektronike našim juniorima, da ih zainteresujemo pametnim stvarčicama, da bi sutra, jednog dana pravili velike stvari". Ovako glasi najava prvog kursa za djecu koji organizira Academy 387 ...

You can buy the Arduino M0 Pro at RS -

You can buy the Arduino M0 Pro at RS
A higher spec version of the Arduino Uno board, the M0 Pro board is designed to be used for internet-of-things (IoT) devices, wearable technologies, high-tech automation and robotics. The board's Atmel SAM D21 microcontroller integrates the ARM Cortex ...

Maker builds SD Card-sized Arduino computer -

Maker builds SD Card-sized Arduino computer
sduino A maker developer has squeezed an Arduino onto an SD card. His aim was to go one better than Intel's Edison. Already dubbed SDuino, it is kodera2t's entry for the Hackaday Prize. “Once I was excited to see Intel's announce that they will release ...

Raspberry Pi Foundation introduces a new print version of its official magazine - BetaNews


Raspberry Pi Foundation introduces a new print version of its official magazine
If you're a big fan of the Raspberry Pi, as we are, there's a good chance you might have downloaded The MagPi digital magazine before. This is an official magazine packed with builds, hacks and step-by-step tutorials. It's always been very popular ...

Raspberry Pi RF Breakout Kit (video) - Geeky Gadgets

Geeky Gadgets

Raspberry Pi RF Breakout Kit (video)
Geeky Gadgets
Jenny List has created a new Raspberry Pi RF Breakout Kit that has been created to provide an easier way to build and connect the awesome single board mini PC as a radio frequency source or radio transmitter using the programmable clock generator built ...

Disney, Marvel Studios, Dolby Laboratories, Visa Signature and Raspberry Pi ... - Virtual-Strategy Magazine (press release) (registration) (blog)

Disney, Marvel Studios, Dolby Laboratories, Visa Signature and Raspberry Pi ...
Virtual-Strategy Magazine (press release) (registration) (blog)
Disney, Marvel Studios, Dolby Laboratories, Visa Signature and Raspberry Pi® united to sponsor the contest in conjunction with the July 17th release of Marvel's ”Ant-Man,” starring Paul Rudd, Evangeline Lilly, Corey Stoll, Bobby Cannavale, Michael Peña ...

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UltraPi Raspberry Pi 2 Super Computer In A Briefcase (video) - Geeky Gadgets

Geeky Gadgets

UltraPi Raspberry Pi 2 Super Computer In A Briefcase (video)
Geeky Gadgets
If you would have ever fancied owning your very own portable supercomputer, you may be interested in a new Raspberry Pi 2 power system that takes the form of a portable supercomputing cluster installed inside and aluminium briefcase. The UltraPi 16 is ...

Disney, Marvel Studios, Dolby Laboratories, Visa Signature and Raspberry Pi ... - Yahoo Finance UK

Disney, Marvel Studios, Dolby Laboratories, Visa Signature and Raspberry Pi ...
Yahoo Finance UK
Disney, Marvel Studios, Dolby Laboratories, Visa Signature and Raspberry Pi® united to sponsor the contest in conjunction with the July 17th release of Marvel's ”Ant-Man,” starring Paul Rudd, Evangeline Lilly, Corey Stoll, Bobby Cannavale, Michael Peña ...

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How to set up your Raspberry Pi in Mac OS X - TechRadar


How to set up your Raspberry Pi in Mac OS X
Consequently, this gives you something of an advantage when it comes to using the Raspberry Pi. If you've ever used the command line from OS X, for example, you'll find exactly the same command line, with almost all the same commands, on the Raspberry ...

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How to set up your Raspberry Pi in Mac OS X - TechRadar


How to set up your Raspberry Pi in Mac OS X
Consequently, this gives you something of an advantage when it comes to using the Raspberry Pi. If you've ever used the command line from OS X, for example, you'll find exactly the same command line, with almost all the same commands, on the Raspberry ...

Banzi perde il primo round per il controllo di Arduino - Il Sole 24 Ore

Il Sole 24 Ore

Banzi perde il primo round per il controllo di Arduino
Il Sole 24 Ore
Arriva una prima decisione del Tribunale di Torino sulla vicenda Arduino, e dà ragione a Federico Musto contro Massimo Banzi. Come avevamo scritto i due, ma in realtà si tratta dell'americana Arduino LLC contro la Arduino srl di Ivrea, hanno diversi ...

Byggde vattenmätare med webbkamera och Raspberry Pi - Ny Teknik

Ny Teknik

Byggde vattenmätare med webbkamera och Raspberry Pi
Ny Teknik
Så Göran Lundquist byggde en egen lösning. Han placerade en webbkamera ovanför visaren som snurrar runt på vattenmätaren. Kameran tar tio bilder per sekund. Med hjälp av bildbehandling i en liten Raspberry Pi-dator kan visarnas förflyttning översättas ...

Naturebytes launches 3D printable Raspberry Pi Wildlife Camera trap Kit to ... - (blog) (blog)

Naturebytes launches 3D printable Raspberry Pi Wildlife Camera trap Kit to ... (blog)
Among other recent projects are those that not only merge 3D printing and open source computers such as the Arduino or Raspberry Pi, but also incorporate a strong focus on the software - or coding- development, too. Previously we've seen this in ...